Wing Chun Kung Fu was codified by a woman and was designed to implement the best defense for women. Self Defense
Of course, as amply shown for example by the Great Grandmaster Ip Man or Bruce Lee (a student of GGM Ip Man), Wing Chun Kung Fu is also extremely suitable for men.
A physical law states that Force is equal to Mass times Acceleration (F=MxA).
An esisle constitution (small Mass), if properly trained, is able to achieve large accelerations therefore is capable of releasing considerable Force.
Several special police forces use Wing Chun Kung Fu; the same is true for the aircrew of Hong Kong Airlines.
Wing Chun can provide a lot of strength even to a slender physique.
Wing Chun uses fast punches and kicks coordinated by agile stances for rapid advancement. Also called the Art of Counterattack, it leaves no room for the attacker to act, rendering him harmless in a highly effective and definitive manner through the use of a limited number of techniques.
In Wing Chun practice, physical strength is not required but rather precision and accuracy in moving one’s body.
The teachings of Kung Fu are not only practiced in the gymnasium but are also useful throughout one’s existence.